According to recent statistics, 28.5 million people of the world's population under 20 years or older suffer from several health complications due to higher cholesterol levels.
Are you one among them? Do you want to know how to lower cholesterol? You have come to the right place. In this article, we are going to discuss the most effective but simple ways of reducing your cholesterol levels.
Most people claim that they could lower the cholesterol levels in their bodies just by changing their eating habits. So, it's easy; no rocket science! Suppose you love to eat cheeseburgers; cutting down on them and adding more veggies, fruits, and whole grains to your diet can reduce your cholesterol levels by approximately 25% or more!
According to science, cutting back on trans-fat, which is found in partially hydrogenated oils, and saturated fat, one of the main components found in dairy products and meat, can help you reduce the cholesterol levels in your body by 5% to 10%.

5 Simple Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol Level
Read on to learn more about several powerful ways to lower your cholesterol level and keep yourself healthy.
1. Know What is the Best Drink to Lower Cholesterol
There is not only one best drink to lower cholesterol levels; fortunately, you have many! Different healthy beverages contain special compounds that help reduce cholesterol levels.
For example, Green Tea contains catechins and other antioxidant compounds, which help reduce your body's bad cholesterol, also known as LDL (low-density lipoprotein). Some more amazing drinks which can also help cut down your cholesterol levels are Oats Drink, Soy Milk, Tomato Juice, Berry Smoothies, Plant Milk Smoothies, etc.
2. Avoid Trans Fats
Trans fats are dangerous for your health. They play a major role in raising your bad cholesterol or LDL level and lowering your good cholesterol or HDL (high-density lipoprotein) level. It further increases your risk of developing heart disease and stroke. So, it is always suggested to avoid commercially baked food, microwave popcorn, fried foods, non-dairy coffee creamer, etc., as much as possible in your diet.
Thus, it is recommended that if you have been wondering how to lower cholesterol for a long time, you should start checking the Nutrition Facts labels and ingredients before purchasing food from shops. Beware, if you see ‘partially hydrogenated oil’ mentioned in the composition of any packaged food, make sure you are not buying that. It's nothing but just a fancy name for trans fat.
3. Be More Physically Active
You need to work out for a minimum of 30 minutes daily to control your cholesterol levels. If you exercise daily, it will help you reduce your LDL level and boost your HDL level. What's more, exercising daily can not only lower your cholesterol level but also helps uplift your overall health.
Apart from lowering your cholesterol level and boosting your physical health, being more physically active and walking daily can further help keep your heart healthy. Just ten minutes of walking done in two to three sessions during the daytime can help you save track of your health and keep your cholesterol level under control.
4. Quit Smoking
Smoking is very harmful to your health. You might have heard about it a lot, but do you know it adversely impacts how your body specifically responds to cholesterol?
A lot of tobacco tar in your body can lead to the quick storage of a high amount of cholesterol in your arteries. However, if you don't smoke, it will have reverse effects. So, think twice before you light your next cigar!
5. Maintain a Healthy Weight
Maintaining healthy body weight and a good Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) of your body is the key to controlling your cholesterol level. If you do so, it can reduce your cholesterol levels by 8%. Your body weight should be ideal in proportion to your height. Make sure you are not overweight or obese.
Well, it's not very tough to reduce your body weight. Snack on healthy foods rather than junk, do some physical workouts regularly, and eat at least six small meals daily to ensure a healthy weight.
You will not suffer from higher cholesterol levels if you are fit. Keep an eye on what sabotages your weight loss regime and work on those aspects rigorously to meet your goals.
Conclusion of Ways to Lower Cholesterol
Tired of taking loads of medicines to reduce your cholesterol levels?
Start following the above potent tips, and you will surely see the results soon. High cholesterol level is a lifestyle problem. So, before you bulk up on medicines, it is important first to bring the above healthy changes in your lifestyle, and no wonder your cholesterol levels will always be under control!
What are you waiting for? Start your journey towards a healthy body now!
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