While some people have the luxury of working from the comfort and safety of their home, there are plenty of those who can’t cancel their trips for business or personal reasons. They have no other options but to find ways to protect their health and well-being while on the go.
The good news: it is not that hard. If you stay conscious and responsible. The recommendations are pretty obvious.
6 Ways to Health Protection During Travel
1. Avoid Crowded Places
It goes without saying that being in a stuffed room among lots of people can be precarious and dangerous for our health. Not only do you exchange lots of microbes and viruses with other people but also risk to lose your small personal items, like a phone, cash or a credit card, or even have them stolen.
Instead choose large spaces where you can hold at least 6 ft distance and keep away from people showing symptoms of sickness. Make sure that all your small items are securely packed and they won’t slip out of your pocket.
Choose in favor of anti-theft bags and backpacks. They are made of a special durable material that is really hard to cut through unnoticed, and have carefully hidden zippers. Such products may be quite costly but with their lifespan they are definitely worth the money.
2. Frequently Wash Your Hands
Our parents made us learn the lesson to keep our hands clean before sitting at the table. And though it is a great idea to wash hands before and after eating, it won’t hurt to have them disinfected during the day either.
The problem is that, whether we like it or not, we happen to visit many crowded areas during the day and contact with the objects that were touched by someone else before. The vicious microorganisms that we collect on our hands seep through the skin pores, eyes or nose into our body and damage our health.
Keeping hands clean through the day greatly minimizes the risk of getting infected. You don’t want your wellness to depend on someone else’s diligence, so make sure to have a piece of soap in your travel kit. And don’t forget to follow the 20 sec hands washing routine every time.
3. Have A Good Supply of Antiseptic
Being on the move, you may have to make a lot of contacts with other people and objects: eat at an airport or a train station café, hand your credit card to a cashier or use a public bathroom.
An antiseptic is a small portable solution for every situation when you have no access to the soap and water. It may be used to sanitize the surfaces or your personal stuff, like, for example, a smartphone.
Speaking of smartphones. We fetch our phones dozens of times during the day, simply to check the time. Getting a hand watch will not only help to reduce germs on your hands but help you to manage your working time better. “I bought a hand watch and became five times more effective than before. That’s why I have the best dissertation proposal on the internet”, claims Lily Harper, a successful academic writer.
4. Wear a Protective Mask and Gloves
When the deadly pandemics invades the world, it’s impossible to be overly careful. Disposable masks and gloves can protect you from dangerous germs on every step of your journey. Remember that they work for a limited amount of time, so taking some extra items may be a good idea.
5. Take Your Own Bed Sheets and Towels
Sanitation officers insist that, unless the bed sheets and towels are freshly laundered, they harbor germs. Although most of the hotels have strict sanitation rules, you can’t ever write off a human factor.
To be always sure that your bed sheets and towels are fresh and clean (and were used only by yourself), put a set of those into your travel case. You may want to hang a “do not disturb” sign on the door handle to keep the room service away, so you don’t have to sanitize the place after they left.
6. Visit Touristic Spots During Off-Peak Hours
Needless to say that staying out of the crowded places keeps you safe. That is why, whenever you can, try to plan your excursions during off-times. Besides, such experience will be much more enjoyable.
Without hundreds and thousands of tourists pushing and shoving around, you’ll have more time to enjoy the beauties of the scenery or dive into the historical details of the place. For example, Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris is closed for public visits during Sunday mass, so you may savor a fantastic organ music and admire ornate inspiring architecture of that place.
During the world panic about staying healthy and safe, it is a piece of cake to forget about the more obvious healthy habits. Having a highly nutritional food is extremely important during traveling, especially when you cross several different time zones. To deal with stress and be able to adjust to new climate conditions, our body needs a full set of nutrients. A balanced diet will help to keep our protective mechanisms combat-ready and prevent many possible disorders.
When the virus is ambushed, waiting for its moment to attack, our body won’t mind some extra help. Vitamin C helps to renovate cells and keeps our immunity up and running. So it may be a good call to include it into your diet.
Stay hydrated. On every step of the trip we are exposed to heating units and climate control influence. They make us lose a lot of moist so it is highly important to drink enough water.
Having your personal reusable bottle will bring to minimum the number of contacts and guarantee that only you touched it. Plus, it is an environment-friendly vote. Sanitizers and gloves also have a drastic drying effect on the skin, so you may want to incorporate a moisturizer into your routine.
After all, it is our personal responsibility to shield ourselves from harm. So stay mindful and watchful en route.
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