Meditating for a few minutes a day can help with your overall health. In this post, we will be discussing how meditation can positively benefit your health thanks to it's calming effects.
Meditation is scientifically proven to not only reduce stress levels but also improve moods and produce feelings of happiness and self-confidence. Studies have shown that practicing mindfulness has helped people lose weight, quit smoking, sleep better, and lower blood pressure among other things!
Meditation helps us become more aware about our thoughts so we can change them if they are negative or unhelpful.
Buddha was asked, “What have you gained from meditation?”
He replied, “NOTHING!”
However, Buddha said, “Let me tell you what I lost: anger, anxiety, depression, insecurity, fear of old age, and death.”
What Is Meditation?
A quick internet search will result in an ever-expanding web of information detailing what meditation is.
But, there is no need to overcomplicate it.
Let’s keep it simple:
“Meditation can be defined as a practice where an individual uses a technique, such as focusing their mind on a particular object, thought, or activity, to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.” Wikipedia for the win!
Meditation is a very individual and personalized practice - there is no one “right way” to do it. As you start or continue your meditation journey, you have the full freedom to create and use whatever technique you choose.
5 Benefits of Meditation for a Positive Life
Meditation is a practice in which one focuses on their breath, thinks about nothing else for a short period of time, and then gradually returns to the thoughts that were present before.
All you need to do is sit back, relax, and soak in the incredible benefits of meditation:
1. Promotes Self Awareness
Can help you develop a stronger understanding of yourself:
- Who you are
- What you want in life
- How you relate to others
- Your vision and goals
It gives you a greater awareness of your thoughts, habits, and patterns of behavior.
Meditating fosters self-inquiry and encourages you to get to know yourself and create positive changes in your life.
2. Kicks Stress to the Curb
Calming your mind works hand in hand in calming your body’s inflammation that is caused by stress.
Reducing inflammation throughout your body promotes your overall health and wellbeing as well as restful and rejuvenating sleep.
Daily meditation is a good habit in regard to having “me time”. It is a time to simply be, breathe, and show yourself some love.
3. Helps You Stay Focused
Regular meditation helps to increase the endurance and strength of your attention span.
Meditation encourages mental focus, which can result in being better able to focus on tasks in your day to day life.
Consider meditation as an exercise for your attention span, which will strengthen your skills and help you be able to redirect and focus your thoughts.
4. Spread Love and Kindness
Various meditation techniques and styles, such as loving-kindness meditation, are used to develop kind thoughts and feelings toward yourself and others.
Meditation has also been found to increase compassion and empathy.
Developing a daily meditation practice will boost your vibe as well as raise your level of positivity.
5. Ease Anxiety
Less stress = less anxiety. As you read above, frequent meditation has been shown to kick stress to the curb.
Meditation’s peaceful and calming effect helps lower anxiety-related conditions such as phobias, social anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive behavior.
How To Meditate
Now that you know WHY you should be meditating, let’s take a closer look at HOW to meditate. There is a plethora of techniques, skills, and methods to choose from so it is up to you to experiment and discover what meditation practice works for YOU.
Here are the basics to help you get started on your meditation journey today. The best part is that no experience or equipment is required!
-Sit or lie down comfortably. Use cushions if desired.
-Close your eyes.
-Breathe naturally. Do not make an effort to try to control your breath, simply let your breath guide you.
-Focus on your breath and how your body reacts to each inhale and exhale.
-Continue focusing on your breath and if you find your mind wandering, gently direct it back to your breath.
Start with a 2-3 minute period and then work your way up to longer periods. You can add essential oils into your routine as well, read more here.
“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.” - Baba Ram Dass
DIY Featured Recipe - Essential Oil Blend for Meditation
The benefits are endless! Meditation can help you improve your mood, sleep better at night, reduce stress levels during the day, and even increase your focus level. It’s never too late to start practicing this life-changing habit.
Meditation Inhaler Recipe |
Using essential oils can be easy. Here is a great way to calm and focus yourself before meditating, just take a few deep inhalations of the aromatherapy inhaler.
Directions: Add cotton wick to a small bowl, drop essential oils onto the wick. Use tweezers to pick up the wick, then get any oil residual left in the bowl onto the wick. Place the wick in blank inhaler and put on end cap (base). To use, place under nose and inhale the aroma. |
Where to Buy Essential Oils?
Essential oils are great because not only do they make you feel good physically but mentally as well. I love having them around since they have so many benefits like clearing the air of bad odors and improving moods by releasing calming scents in your home or office!
We are frequently asked what essential oil brand we like, here are some of our favorites:
Meditation Guide For Busy People
How To Meditate If You're Busy? It's easy to get caught up in a busy life with work, family, and everything else. And it can be difficult to find time for meditation practice. This guide provides practical tips on how to meditate even if you're busy, buy it here!
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