Guess That Smell Game with Essential Oils - Games for Kids

Guess That Smell Game with Essential Oils - Games for Kids

Jennifer Lane, Certified Aromatherapist Jennifer Lane, Certified Aromatherapist
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Have you ever played Guess That Smell? My kids love to bring items to me and say, smell this. Usually, this makes me leery because it is almost always gross smelling. More than likely I will end up taking a cautious whiff, just out of curiosity.

If we smell something nasty, why do we feel the need to share it with others?

Smell is one of our most powerful senses. Smells can be good, bad, evoke emotions, or make us run the other way. Aromatherapy can be extremely powerful, using smells for emotional and mental support is so beneficial.

Guess That Smell Game with Essential Oils

A great game to play with children is Guess That Smell with Essential Oils. It is easy and fun.

Step 1: Simply get some jars and clean cotton balls. I like to use about 6 jars for this game. Place a few cotton ball in each jar.

Step 2: Place a few drops of essential oil on the cotton balls into each jar, making sure each jar has a different essential oil in it. My favorite essential oils to use for this game are orange, lemon, lavender, melaleuca, oregano, peppermint, and rosemary.

So you will have one jar of orange oil, one jar of lavender oil, one jar of peppermint oil, etc. You can label the bottom of the jars so you do not forget which oil you placed into each jar, just make sure no one peeks at the labels.

Step 3: Let the kids guess what they think the scent is. They can say it out loud or write it down on paper if they are able.

It is cute some of the answers kids can come up with like oregano smells like spaghetti or peppermint like toothpaste.

During this game, it is a great time to talk to children about essential oils and aromatherapy benefits.

Children love to play games, especially interactive ones.

Guess That Smell with Essential Oils can be played on play dates, at a party, daycare centers, as a school activity or anytime you want to engage children to use their sense of smell!

More Essential Oil Games for Kid - Fun with Oils!

Whether you’re looking for a way to educate your kids on the effects of different essential oils, or just want to have a fun experience as a family, these essential oil games are sure to be a hit. Let's get into it!

Essential Oil Matching Game

This game will help your kids learn how to identify different essential oils. Grab several bottles of various essential oils that you already own and place them in a line. Next, grab several index cards or slips of paper and write down the names of each bottle on the card or paper. Mix up the cards/slips and spread them out face down on the table.

Now comes the fun part! Have each player take turns flipping over two cards at a time. If they match, then they get keep them and take another turn. If not, they flip them back over and it's the next person's turn. The player with the most matches at the end wins! It's that simple!

Essential Oil Memory Game

This game combines memory skills with an understanding of aromatherapy benefits. Begin by placing several bottles of different essential oils onto one side of a table in front of all players involved in this game (you can also use index cards/papers if you don't have enough bottles).

Now take turns going around asking each player what they think is inside each bottle based on its scent alone (this is where memory comes in!) Once everyone has made their guesses, open up all bottles one-by-one and let your kids know what aromatherapy benefits each oil offers (ease headaches, reduce stress etc).

Now mix everything up again but this time ask players which oil offers which benefit instead of guessing scents. The winner is whoever can guess correctly first and gets as many correct guesses as possible overall!

Final Thoughts on Essential Oil Games for Kids

Essential oil games are an easy way to familiarize children with aromatherapy benefits while also teaching them helpful skills like memory recall and scent recognition.

You can customize these games depending on how many people are playing, or even create your own for a unique educational experience every time you play! So go ahead—try out these essential oil games today for an enjoyable learning experience your kids won't forget anytime soon!

Guess That Smell with Essential Oils by Loving Essential Oils Kids Game

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