Eucalyptus Lime Essential Oil Chest Rub Recipe for Breathing

Eucalyptus Lime Essential Oil Chest Rub Recipe for Breathing

Jennifer Lane, Certified Aromatherapist Jennifer Lane, Certified Aromatherapist
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Have you ever used lime and eucalyptus oil together? They make an amazing duo, especially for uplifting and supporting the respiratory system.

When you feel a cold coming on or have been around sick people, try this essential oil chest rub recipe and see how supportive and refreshing these two oils can be together.

Can you Put Essential Oils on your Chest?

Essential oils are becoming more and more popular, and with good reason! They can be used to improve your mental and physical health in a variety of ways. But can you put essential oils on your chest? Yes!

Applying essential oils to your chest is a great way to open up breathe, support respiratory health, and to uplift your emotions. You can enjoy topical and aromatic therapeutic benefits when applied to your chest. The essential oils will absorb through your skin and you will be able to inhale the aroma as the oils evaporate.

Lime and Eucalyptus Essential Oil Chest Rub Recipe for Breathing by Loving Essential Oils

Lime and Eucalyptus Essential Oil Blend

Lime and eucalyptus essential oil blend well together and they are a great way to improve your wellbeing. This potent combination can help to clear the mind, boost energy levels, open airways, and create a sense of focus.

You can add lime and eucalyptus to your diffuser for an instant pick-me-up, or in this DIY chest rub for respiratory relief. We share a few ways to use this essential oil combination but any way you choose to enjoy it, this blend is sure to leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Lime Essential Oil for Uplifting and Congestion

Lime oil has a fresh aroma that is stimulating and uplifting. It can calm and clear the mind. Similar to other citrus oils, it is just a happy oil that can bring a smile to ones face.

Lime also has properties that allow it to boost the immune systems and ease respiratory issues like coughs and congested sinuses. It can alleviate exhaustion and promote creativity and focus.

In this DIY chest rub recipe we are using distilled lime because it is not phototoxic so sun exposure after using this oil is okay.

Photoxic oils can cause skin damage when used on the skin and then the skin is exposed to the sun. Expressed lime essential oil is phototoxic.

Distilled Lime is steam distilled instead of expressed and does not contain the component that causes the oil to be phototoxic. It is a good option when applying lime oil topically that way you don't have to worry about sun exposure. When using lime oil aromatically, like in a diffuser, you do not need distilled lime.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil for Uplifting and Breathing

Eucalyptus oil is a popular essential oil that has many uses. Eucalyptus oil (Eucalyptus globulus) is well known for its decongestant properties. Most respiratory conditions can benefit from this antiseptic essential oil.

Not only can it help improve respiratory function, but also soothe sore muscles, and even repel pests. Eucalyptus has a sharp, medicinal aroma that can help increase concentration and lift emotions. It can refresh the mind and improve overall wellbeing.

There are several types of Eucalyptus essential oil, you can use the one that you have on hand in this DIY recipe. Eucalyptus globulus is the most common type so that is what we are referencing here but the choice is yours as the different types have very similar uses and benefits. You can read more about the various types in our eucalyptus oil spotlight.

Uplifting Eucalyptus and Lime Essential Oil Chest Rub Recipe by Loving Essential Oils

Essential Oil Chest Rub with Lime and Eucalyptus

If you're looking for a refreshing and invigorating essential oil blend, look no further than lime and eucalyptus oil! This energizing combination is perfect for boosting your mood and clearing your head. Plus, it's great for respiratory health. Here's how to make it:

  • 6 drops Distilled Lime (Citrus aurantifolia)
  • 6 drops Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)
  • 1 oz jojoba oil (or carrier oil of choice)
  • 1 oz glass dropper bottle


Add essential oils to dropper bottle and fill rest of bottle with jojoba oil (or carrier oil of choice). Shake well to blend oils together. To use, take several drops and rub it onto your chest, reapply as needed.

More Essential Oil Recipes with Eucalyptus and Lime

What I love about eucalyptus and lime together is the simplicity. No need for a long list of oils to make a wonderful synergistic oil blend, these oils have so much potential when used together. Try this essential oil combination in an inhaler blend, steam bowl, or diffuser. You could even make it in a roller bottle for easy application on the go!

Uplifting Aromatherapy Inhaler

You can use this mix in other aromatherapy methods like in an essential oil inhaler which is nice to carry in a purse, backpack, or briefcase when away from home. Use it when out hiking or in a stuffy office.

  • 6 drops of Lime
  • 6 drops of Eucalyptus
  • Blank Inhaler

Directions: Add essential oils to cotton wick and place into inhaler tube. Inhale the aroma to help clear respiratory issues.

Eucalyptus Lime Steam Bowl

How about an essential oil steam? Inhale the aroma that is released from the steam bowl to open breathing and uplift your mood.

  • 1 drop of Lime
  • 1 drop of Eucalyptus
  • Bowl of Steaming Water

Direction: Add essential oils to bowl of hot water, swirl water to blend. Inhale the steam from the bowl from a comfortable distance for about 5 minutes. You can put a towel over your head and make a tent if you prefer. Repeat a few times a day if needed.

Uplifting Lime Diffuser Blend

Diffusing these two oils together can also be a good option to get this lovely oil blend into the air. Revive and refresh the energy in your home with this simple blend.

  • 4 drops Lime essential oil
  • 4 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
  • Aromatherapy Diffuser

Directions: Add the recommended water amount required for your diffuser with drops of essential oils. Turn on and enjoy.

Uplifting Diffuser Blend with Lime and Eucalyptus by Loving Essential Oils

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Essential Oil Chest Rub Recipes with Lime and Eucalyptus Oil for Uplifting and Respiratory Support by Loving Essential Oils

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