How to Make Spearmint Lavender Essential Oil Room Spray

How to Make Spearmint Lavender Essential Oil Room Spray

Jennifer Lane, Certified Aromatherapist Jennifer Lane, Certified Aromatherapist
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Room sprays can be used to freshen a room, transform the atmosphere, and leave a pleasant scent that can be enjoyed by all that enter. Spearmint Lavender Essential Oil Room Spray blend can be used in a bathroom, bedroom, family room, kitchen, or even an office.

This simple recipe is made with just a few ingredients, and it's a great way to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy. Plus, it smells amazing.

I like to use around my workspace at home especially when I am feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. It is like a breath of fresh air. I hope you enjoy it too!

Spearmint and Lavender Essential Oil Combination

The essential oil combination of spearmint and lavender make a beautiful pairing. This blend is soothing and calming for your health and wellness needs. When mixed, this blend can be used in soaps, sugar scrubs, lotions, body oils, massage oils, and many more DIY beauty recipes.

Spearmint lavender oil can be beneficial for the nervous, respiratory and digestive systems in the body. Their properties include antiseptic, decongestant, expectorant, antidepressant, antispasmodic, carminative, diuretic, nervine, and rubefacient.

Lavender Essential Oil for Room Spray

If you're like me, you love the smell of lavender. There's something about its sweet, floral scent that just makes everything feel a little bit better and for good reason. Lavender essential oil has been shown to have some amazing health benefits.

Lavender oil offers a wonderful flower aroma that has calming and stress-reducing properties. It pairs beautifully with mint essential oils. I chose spearmint oil for this room spray essential oil recipe.

Spearmint Essential Oil for Room Spray

Looking for a refreshing and invigorating scent? Spearmint oil is the perfect choice. Spearmint essential oil offers a fresh and clean scent that offers a more subtle mint aroma than peppermint oil.

The sweet, minty smell can help to boost your energy and uplift your mood. I especially enjoy using spearmint essential oil in blends intended for easing stress or headaches.

Witch Hazel and Essential Oils

Witch hazel is a natural extract that has been used to treat a variety of skin conditions. It can be found as an ingredient in many commercial skin care products. Witch hazel is gentle enough for use on all skin types, and it has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties that can help improve the appearance of your skin.

Adding essential oils to your witch hazel can increase its healing power and give you additional benefits. In this room spray, witch hazel is used to add additional freshness to this essential oil spray.

Mix witch hazel with the drops of essential oil to make a spray that smells amazing and puts you in a great mood. I love to spray it on my furniture and bedding. Spray it in any room where you will be spending time. You could even freshen the bathroom in no time!

Lavender Spearmint Room Spray

If you're looking for an easy way to freshen up your living space give this relaxing and refreshing room spray a try, here is what you need:


1. Combine witch hazel and essential oils in the spray bottle and swirl bottle around until blended together.

2. Fill the rest of the bottle with water, leaving room at the top for the sprayer. Add spray top and shake well.

3. Spritz room spray throughout the house and on linen to freshen up your environment. Be sure to label your bottle. Shake well before each use.

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DIY Spearmint and Lavender essential oil room spray recipe by Loving Essential Oils

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