How To Make Essential Oil Hand Sanitizer Spray

How To Make Essential Oil Hand Sanitizer Spray

Jennifer Lane, Certified Aromatherapist Jennifer Lane, Certified Aromatherapist
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Wondering how to make essential oil hand sanitizer spray? It is simple and you only need a few ingredients. Not only is it simple, it is perfect for on the go when you need to clean and disinfect hands without running water available.

This recipe is an alcohol free recipe made with essential oils, which are great natural germ eliminators. In this recipe we are using lemon essential oil and tea tree oil (aka melaleuca).

Hand washing with soap and water is always the best!

Homemade Essential Oil Hand Sanitizer Spray

Cleaning with essential oils has become very popular today as many look for natural ways to assist their health and wellness. Now this spray won't magically clean visibly soiled hands but it can assist with getting rid of germs and moisten hands enough so you can wipe away the dirt or grime with a napkin or a towel.

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1) Add all ingredients into spray bottle.

2) Place spray top on and shake bottle well to blend together. Label bottle.

3) To use, shake well and spray 2-3 times on to palm of hand, then rub hands together covering all surfaces. Allow to air dry.

Conclusion on Making Hand Sanitizer with Essential Oils

Making your own natural hand sanitizer is easy, inexpensive, and fun! Plus, you get the added benefit of being able to customize the scent however you like with therapeutic grade essential oils. So ditch the harsh chemicals found in most store-bought brands, and give DIY hand sanitizer a try today!

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Hand Sanitizer Spray Recipe With Essential Oils

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