Do you know how to balance your chakras? To experience health, happiness, and peace, it is essential that your chakras stay active and aligned. You are negatively affected both emotionally and physically when your chakras do not work together harmoniously.
Let’s discover what chakras are and what you can start doing today to balance your chakras and promote stillness inside of you.
What Are Chakras?
Chakras are the centers in your body in which energy flows. The word “chakra” from Sanskrit translates to “disk” or "wheel” and represents a spiritual energy center within your body.
Originating in India between 1500 and 500 BC, the chakra system corresponds to physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual states of being and impacts all areas of your life.
Within each of the chakras is the ultimate pure healing energy, known as ‘prana’, that keeps your happy, healthy, and vibrantly alive.
7 Chakras and What They Represent
There are seven chakra points in the body, each corresponding to a different energy center. When these chakras are in balance, we feel strong and healthy. However, when they become imbalanced, it can lead to physical and emotional problems.
The seven chakras are:
Chakra |
Represents |
Emotion |
Root (Base of spine) |
Your foundation and feeling of being grounded. | Survival issues: food, shelter, money |
Sacral (Lower abdomen: 2 inches above your navel and 2 inches in) |
Your connection and ability to accept new experiences and others. | Sense of pleasure, well-being, and abundance |
Solar Plexus (Upper abdomen: stomach) |
Your ability to be in control of your life and confident. | Self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence |
Heart (Center of chest) |
Your ability to love. | Love, inner peace, and joy |
Throat (Throat) |
Your ability to communicate. | Self-expression, communication of true feelings |
Third Eye (Between your eyes on the forehead) |
Your ability to see the big picture. | Wisdom, intuition, imagination, and ability to think and make decisions |
Crown (Top of head) |
Your ability to be fully connected spiritually. | Connection to pure bliss, outer and inner beauty, and spirituality |
If energy is blocked in any one of your seven chakras, it can lead to illness and an unbalanced feeling. Therefore, it’s vital to understand what each chakra represents!
Next, let’s take a closer look at how you can make sure your energy is flowing through your chakras.
How To Balance Chakras
It is believed that when the chakras are aligned and open, your energy is continually free-flowing.
Here is what you can do to keep energy flowing freely through your chakras:
1. Essential Oils
Each oil resonates at a frequency and can be used to balance chakras by inhaling or applying directly to the skin (with a carrier oil).
- Root: Ginger, vetiver, sandalwood, cedarwood
- Sacral: Orange, sandalwood, ylang ylang
- Solar Plexus: Rosemary, patchouli, lemon
- Heart: Marjoram, rose, neroli
- Throat: Eucalyptus, peppermint
- Third Eye: Geranium, cypress, jasmine
- Crown: Rosewood, frankincense, lavender
2. Food
Adjust your diet to take in more food of the same color of the chakra your are wanting to balance:
- Root: RED
- Sacral: ORANGE
- Solar Plexus: YELLOW
- Heart: GREEN
- Throat: BLUE
- Third Eye: INDIGO
- Crown: VIOLET
3. Sounds
Each musical note has a frequency that your energy center resonates with. Listen to music, especially classical music, in the following notes to stimulate that specific chakra:
- Root: C
- Sacral: D
- Solar Plexus: E
- Heart: F
- Throat: G
- Third Eye: A
- Crown: B
4. Spend Time In Nature
Absorb the healing energy of nature by walking barefoot or sitting in the grass. It will bring more peace into your life and help you feel grounded. Also make sure to add plenty of plants and flowers to your home!
5. Visualization
Meditation and visualization draw energy from the earth and help cleanse each chakra. It’s a simple, yet powerful, way to balance each energy center in your body.
7. Crystals
One way to help balance the chakras is by using crystals. Each chakra has a different crystal associated with it, and by placing these crystals on the corresponding chakra point, you can help to restore balance.
For example, amethyst is associated with the crown chakra, which helps us to connect with our higher selves. If you are feeling disconnected or lost, placing an amethyst crystal on your crown chakra can help you to feel more centered and grounded. There are many other crystals that can be used to balance the chakras, so explore and find the ones that work best for you.
"Balance is not something you find… it’s something you create.”
Create balance in your life by ensuring your energy is freely flowing through your chakras.
How to Balance Root Chakra
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with feelings of safety and security. When this chakra is in balance, we feel grounded and stable. But when it becomes imbalanced, we may feel anxious or fearful.
To balance your root chakra, try doing some grounding exercises like walking barefoot on grass or soil. You can also try meditating on a color associated with the root chakra (red) or using essential oils like sandalwood or cedarwood.
How to Balance Third Eye Charka
The third eye charka resides between our eyebrows. It governs our intuition, imagination, and wisdom. This one can be tricky to re-balance because often when it’s out of whack we don’t realize it.
Some things you can do to bring it back into focus are things like meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, reading books that inspire imagination, and last but not least eating plenty of fresh fruits vegetables. Try essential oils for third eye chakra balancing.
How to Balance Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is located just below the navel and is associated with creativity and sexuality. When this chakra is in balance, we feel confident and expressive. But when it becomes imbalanced, we may feel creatively blocked or sexually frustrated.
To balance your sacral chakra, try doing some creative activities like painting or writing. You can also try meditating on a color associated with the sacral chakra (orange) or using essential oils like ylang-ylang or jasmine.
How to Balance Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra is located in the stomach area and is associated with personal power and self-esteem. When this chakra is in balance, we feel confident and capable. But when it becomes imbalanced, we may feel insecure or powerless.
To balance your solar plexus chakra, try doing some power poses like standing with your hands on your hips or sitting up straight with your shoulders back.
You can also try meditating on a color associated with the solar plexus chakra (yellow) or using essential oils like lemon or patchouli.
How to Balance Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest and is associated with love and compassion. When this chakra is in balance, we feel open and loving towards others. But when it becomes imbalanced, we may feel closed off or resentful.
To balance your heart chakra, try doing some heart-opening exercises like hugging yourself or placing your hand over your heart while taking deep breaths. You can also try meditating on a color associated with the heart chakra (green) or using essential oils like rose or marjoram oil.
How to Balance Throat Chakra
The throat charka is located in the throat area and is associated with communication and self-expression. When this charka is in balance we feel confident speaking our truth. However when it becomes imbalanced we may have difficulty communicating our needs or speak too much.
To bring this back into alignment you guessed it, we will be working again with breath. Try gargling with salt water, this will help to cleanse any negativity you may have been holding onto. Doing some form of creative expression such as singing journaling or even crafting can also help to rebalance.
If you’d prefer to work with crystals, turquoise is great for aiding communication while lapis lazuli opens up the throat so you can express yourself more easily.
How to Balance Crown Chakra
The crown chakra resides at the very top of our head. It connects us to our higher selves, universal consciousness, and spirituality. When this one is unblocked we tend to have a better connection with our intuition. Our ability to think more creatively is enhanced as well as feelings of bliss, euphoria, and deep peace.
Some ways you can work with this chakra are by spending time in nature, connecting with animals, doing yoga or meditation. Visualization exercises can also be beneficial. You can also use essential oils for crown chakras.
Final Thoughts on Balancing Chakras
Chakras are the seven energy centers in the body that correspond to different emotions and physical states of being. When our chakras are in balance, we feel happy, healthy, and whole. But when they become imbalanced, we may start to feel stressed, anxious, or even physically ill. Luckily, there are a number of things you can do to bring your chakras back into alignment.
One way is to meditate on each chakra individually. You can also use crystals or essential oils to promote balance. It's important to cleanse your chakras regularly, especially if you're going through a stressful period in your life.
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