5 Favorite Essential Oils for Traveling and How to Use Them

5 Favorite Essential Oils for Traveling and How to Use Them

Jennifer Lane, Certified Aromatherapist Jennifer Lane, Certified Aromatherapist
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Do you have a family vacation, summer trip, or even a weekend getaway planned? When on the road or in the air, my oils are always with me. I make sure to take the extra time when packing to include these 5 favorite essential oils for traveling.

While traveling is usually an exciting adventure, there may be a few unexpected issues that arise while away from home. Having my oils with me brings me comfort and piece of mind.

I love knowing that if an itchy bug bite, car sick child, or smelly hotel room comes my way...I have a natural solution ready!

Do You Bring Essential Oils With You When Traveling?

During a giveaway, we asked our fans: Do you bring essential oils with you when you are traveling? The answers were multiple choice and they were: 

  • Always
  • Usually
  • No

We had 218 people vote, thank you for participating. Here are the results:

Always114 votes (52%)
Usually83 votes (38%)
No21 votes (10%)


Do the results surprise you? I expected the majority would say they did but I didn't expect that 90% usually-always bring essential oils when traveling. That just shows how much we love essential oils!

Top 5 Essential Oils for Travel with Uses and Benefits by Loving Essential Oils

5 Essential Oils for Traveling

Here are my favorite essential oils for traveling, plus reasons why I like to use them when traveling. Your list may be a little different to accommodate you and your family and that is OK. Use this list as a jumping off point and bring what YOU need!

Essential Oil


  • jet lag
  • achy muscles
  • stomach issues
  • sore feet
  • fatigue
  • motion sickness
  • stuffy nose
  • nervous tension
  • sleeplessness
  • sunburn
  • headaches
  • cuts/bruises
  • skin irritations
  • mosquito repellent
  • minor burns
  • anxiety
  • headache
  • skin care
  • meditation
  • spiritual healing
  • panic/fear
  • nightmares
  • emotionally exhausted
  • freshen air
  • stress
  • anxiety
  • mood support
  • chest congestion
  • nosebleed
  • lack of focus
Tea Tree
  • cuts/scrapes
  • bug bites
  • blemishes
  • colds/flu
  • dry scalp
  • itchy feet
  • respiratory support

Quick Tip: Keep you travel bag and suitcase fresh by placing a few drops of your favorite essential oil on a tissue and put it inside the luggage. You may need to let it dry so it doesn't transfer any oil residue on your clothing or items in your suitcase.

More Essential Oils for Travel

Besides peppermint essential oil, tea tree oil and lemon essential oil, there are more essential oils that could be helpful during traveling.

Here are more oils that people find helpful when traveling: eucalyptus, rosemary, myrrh, bergamot, chamomile, Clary sage, geranium, juniper berry, marjoram, Melissa, neroli, palmarosa, patchouli, and sandalwood.

In addition, oils for relaxation and immune system are beneficial during the travel season.

Essential Oil Ideas for Travel

If you're looking for an energy boost, consider using lemon or grapefruit oil. These invigorating scents can help you feel more alert and focused, perfect for long days of sightseeing. Add a few drops to your diffuser or inhale directly from the bottle when you need a pick-me-up.

Lavender oil is one of the most popular essential oils and for good reason. Its calming and relaxing properties can be a great help when dealing with travel stress. Simply add a few drops to your diffuser or apply topically to your temples and wrists.

Another great option for travelers is peppermint oil. It can help relieve nausea and motion sickness, making it perfect for long car or plane rides. Simply dilute with a carrier oil and apply topically to your stomach or inhale as needed.

Essential Oils Accessories for Traveling

Here are some other supplies to think about adding to your packing list:

Essential Oil Car Diffuser

I love having an aromatherapy car diffuser in my car, especially for road trips. Last weekend I was on the road with my family and due to lots of curvy turns, I was getting a little nauseated (so was my oldest son). I just added several drops of peppermint to my car diffuser clip and the issue was gone!

Aromatherapy Inhalers

Essential oils have strong scents so they could potentially offend others around you in a car or airplane. A personal inhaler is a good option, prefill with the scent you anticipate needing and carry it with you!

Roller Bottles

Have some essential oils blends you can't live without? Roller bottles are a great way to bring them on the go, especially if they are a part of your daily routine. Prefill with essential oil blends you or your family will need on your trip.

Carry Case

I have a medium size carry case that I can easily grab and fill with all my essential oil goodies when traveling, but not completely overdo it :)

Carry Case for Purse

I also like to have a travel case and small vials filled with my oils in my purse.

Carrier Oils for Traveling

To apply essential oils topically when traveling, you will need to have an essential oil carrier with you.You can bring whatever you prefer, here are the two I like to travel with.

Jojoba Oil

My favorite everyday carrier oil is jojoba oil. It absorbs good, mixes well with essential oils and great for all skin types. I like to fill a recycled 15 ml essential oil bottle with my carrier oil I am bringing, that way it is compact and easy to carry. It also allows me to plenty of space two bring another carrier oil if I need. Here is my favorite jojoba oil brand:

Unscented Lotion

This is an another easy way to apply essential oils topically without leaving any greasy feeling. I like to use unscented lotion with my bug repellent essential oils, pain rubs, and after shower moisturizer. Here is my favorite from Plant Therapy, even my husband liked it (and he is really picky with lotion!):

5 Tips to Avoid Jet Lag While Traveling

Are you traveling soon and worried about jet lag? You're not alone. Millions of people suffer from jet lag each year. But with these five tips, you can avoid jet lag and make your travel experience much more enjoyable.

  • Leave on your trip well rested and hydrated
  • Use flight as time to rest
  • Stay awake until an early local bedtime
  • Use lavender essential oil before bedtime for a good night's sleep
  • Apply lavender roll on to the back of your neck and temples or under your nose to calm nerves during a bumpy flight

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Essential Oils, Carrier Oils, Accessories for Traveling and How to Use Them by Loving Essential Oils

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