DIY Makeup Remover Pads Recipe with Lavender Essential Oil

DIY Makeup Remover Pads Recipe with Lavender Essential Oil

Jennifer Lane, Certified Aromatherapist Jennifer Lane, Certified Aromatherapist
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Here is an easy recipe for DIY makeup remover pads. It is an all natural beauty option that you will enjoy using on your skin. Skip the store bought ones, these are better for your health and skin.

This makeup remover pads recipe include jojoba oil, unscented alcohol free witch hazel and lavender essential oil. You will also need a glass jar and cotton pads. Recipe makes about 20 pads.

Best Essential Oils for Makeup Remover

Here are some essential oil options for your homemade makeup remover pads:

  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Lemon Essential Oil
  • Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
  • Geranium Essential Oil
  • Rose Essential Oil

DIY Makeup Remover Pads

Here is the simple recipe for DIY makeup remover pads with lavender essential oil. This recipe is gentle on the skin and leaves your face feeling refreshed and moisturized. Plus, the lovely aroma of lavender


1. Place cotton pads into 4 oz jar and set aside.

2. Combine jojoba oil, essential oil and witch hazel in a small bowl, stir well.

3. Add water to mixture and stir well to combine. Pour mixture over cotton pads in the 4 oz jar. Label jar with contents, find out below how to get the label pictured.

4. To use, take pad and wipe it across the area you want your makeup removed from. Dry face with tissue if needed.

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Homemade Makeup Remover Pads Recipe with Lavender Essential Oil - All Natural by Loving Essential Oils

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